Hundreds of “Israeli” soldiers leave country to avoid Gaza duty


Published: 2024-06-26 17:25

Last Updated: 2024-07-02 19:33

Hundreds of “Israeli” soldiers leave country to avoid Gaza duty (Photo: Reuters)
Hundreds of “Israeli” soldiers leave country to avoid Gaza duty (Photo: Reuters)

Dozens of “Israeli” reserve soldiers have refused to return to fighting in Gaza, despite the risk of punishment, Haaretz reported.

Also Read: Israeli Occupation soldier commits suicide after receiving orders to return to Gaza

Other “Israeli” media outlets revealed that hundreds of reserve soldiers leave “Israel” and travel abroad every month without notifying their commanders.

“Israeli” Minister of Communications, Shlomo Karhi, highlighted the critical role of reserve soldiers in the current combat efforts, as quoted by the “Israeli” newspaper Calcalist.

He warned that the demobilization of thousands of reserve soldiers in combat and support roles could severely impact the army's operational efficiency and combat capabilities.

In response to the crisis, the Knesset approved the first reading of a draft bill on Monday aimed at temporarily raising the age of exemption from army reserve service.

The proposed legislation seeks to extend the service period for reserve soldiers up to the age of 41 and for reserve officers up to 46.

Additionally, certain professions, including combat doctors, paramedics, and technicians specified by the defense minister, would see their service extended up to age 50.

Also Read: Israeli Occupation soldier commits suicide after returning from Gaza

The bill requires approval in three readings to become law and would be applicable until Sept. 30 if passed.

On June 11, “Israeli” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant sought to extend the law by six months. However, following criticism from the government’s legal adviser, Gali Baharav-Miara, a compromise was reached to extend the law by three months.